Naturally ...!

All Madagascar in preserves!

Malagasy flavor
since, since, since…

Our range of Products

The Company


From products harvested and prepared fresh, coming exclusively from traditional Malagasy agriculture: fruits, vegetables, spices, condiments, etc… for 75 years CODAL has been transforming, preparing, packaging, preserving, the widest selection of best original flavors from the Big Island.

CODAL Company Madagascar

The counter

Your Factory Grocery Store in Ankorondrano


Cereals and breakfast

Grains and seeds



Sweet grocery store

Légumes et fruits - Codal Madagascar

Savory grocery store


Ravinala Icon

The island of


Located between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, MADAGASCAR is the fourth largest island in the world and a unique reservoir of biodiversity! Its geographical location, its vast wilderness, the variety of its climates, the diversity of its relief are conducive to a very wide range of excellent agricultural products, both tropical and temperate.

Our faithful
