Amico: Amicale Codal

AMICO has been founded 26 years ago…! Its funds are provenient from donations of the Company and by a small monthly contribution of each employee.

CODAL company has always been involved in social actions, these carried out by AMICO (Amicale CODAL). Various aids, packages to help employees facing difficulties, participation with hospitalization costs, etc…

Assistance in case of death of family members (parents, parents-in-law, brothers, sisters or children) but also during happy events such as birth, marriage or official retirement. The AMICO (friendly Codal!) association, also organizes used clothing auctions, charity events, lunches, etc…

Since 2 years, AMICO is refunding in money 10 months of their contribution to all members without exception, as a share for the purchase of clothes, toys for childrens, etcc…

CODAL complements AMICO budget with cash donations, and free aasigment of incomes provenient from, recycling of cartons, boxes, tins, products, reformed, sale of used equipments, etc.


Codal Social Contributions

By its own, CODAL has always offered to all employees a « basket » at the start of collective holidays in August, also to commemorate the National Day on June 26th, for Christmas and New Year. It consists of a « basket » of CODAL products, juices, preserves , supplemented by other family welfare products : rice, meat, poultry, etc…

During the year, an « off-aid » is granted for the school supplies, blankets in winter season, indemnities in the event of urgent and exceptional financial shortages if requested.


Common Meal (photo)

A communitary meal in association with distribution of CODAL products is organized for factory employees before leaving for collective holidays, usually in August.

Codal Market

Since May 2022, the Company has organized an ECONOMAT: every fortnight, all employees may acquire CODAL products or, according to their choices, products bought by CODAL at wholesale prices in order to provide families with the best prices, and this way to save money for their household purchases. Amount of purchasess at the commissary will be deduced from the wages only at the end of the month.

Produits CODAL

Distribution F.F.L.(Free For Life Fair Trade)

CODAL and our distributor for France, RACINES SA, are granting as a kind of solidarity, a percentage of purchases in favor of workers and suppliers involved in the production of FFLapproved products.

According to their collective choice, the funds thus contributed by CODAL & RACINES are used to acquire materials or articles allowing employees, suppliers and their families to improve their living and environmental welfare conditions.

This year it consists of:


Quality home solar lamp


Other models of solar devices


Various school supplies.

This has been officially handed during a friendly ceremony with the CODAL workers beneficiaries and selected suppliers of fruits.

Christmas and New Year (in picture)

At the begining of every year a memorial and friendly party with lunch, dances, games, is organized at our plant to wish an Happy New Year and everybody is granted with a special gift!

External social actions

CODAL contributes to the Christmas festivities of the LOHARANO Association in Itaosy, with which we work on the production of Moringa and Hibiscus


The « LOHARANO » Association is providing education and help to 170 childrens and 210 families in Antananarivo


The « CULTIVONS LA VIE » Project is helping : 30 families and 26 childrens in Moramanga


The « ANTANIFASIKA » Peasants Association cooperate with 25 families of small farmers

These Social projects are for the preservation of the environment, the improvement of living conditions, schooling, medical follow-up of families, etc…

Hereunder, DONATION of jams to childrens of the LOHARANO Itaosy Association for Christmas