Malagasy Flavour since, since, since…
Our Product Range
A partir de produits récoltés et préparés frais, issus exclusivement de l’agriculture traditionnelle malgache : fruits, légumes, épices, condiments, etc… voilà 75 ans que CODAL, transforme, prépare, conditionne, conserve, la plus large sélection des meilleures saveurs originales de la Grande Île.
The first organic grocery store
of Madagascar
Rice, pasta
Making bread
Cereals and breakfast
Sweet grocery
Aromatherapy and dietetics
Grains and seeds
Savoury groceries
Rice, pasta
Cereals and breakfast
Grains and seeds
Sweet grocery
Savoury groceries
Making bread
Aromatherapy and dietetics
L’île de
Located between Equator and Tropic of Capricorn, MADAGASCAR is the fourth widest Island in the World! and a very specific reservoir of biodiversity ! Its geographical situation, its large wild areas, the variety of its climates, the diversity of its landscapes are proper for cultivation of a very large variety of excellent products, from tropical-type specialities like mangoes , lychee, peppercorns… as for products from mild climate as strawberries, peaches, blackberries… As a matter of fact, Madagascar is sometimes called “Thousand flavours Island”….
15% de Remise
for KOBA
10% de remise
for the jams
extra LIGHT
L’île de
Located between Equator and Tropic of Capricorn, MADAGASCAR is the fourth widest Island in the World! and a very specific reservoir of biodiversity ! Its geographical situation, its large wild areas, the variety of its climates, the diversity of its landscapes are proper for cultivation of a very large variety of excellent products, from tropical-type specialities like mangoes , lychee, peppercorns… as for products from mild climate as strawberries, peaches, blackberries… As a matter of fact, Madagascar is sometimes called “Thousand flavours Island”….